Fundraising FAQs

Why does Julia Morgan School for Girls ask for gifts beyond tuition?
As an independent school, Julia Morgan School for Girls does not receive financial support from federal, state, or local governments. Tuition and fees represent approximately 80% of the school’s operating budget. The Girls Fund provides the flexible, unrestricted financial support necessary to meet the current year’s operational priorities.

What does my gift fund?
While annual operational priorities shift from year to year, your financial support ensures that teachers and staff have the resources needed to provide 1) hands-on experiences that make learning engaging and accessible for students with all learning styles, 2) equipment and supplies that create equitable access to technology, lab equipment, and instruments, and 3) professional development opportunities that keep staff up to date on innovative teaching methods and help retain exceptional teachers. The Girls Fund provides the flexible, unrestricted financial support necessary to meet the current year’s operational priorities.

How much does Julia Morgan School for Girls spend on fundraising?
We are proud to run extremely lean, with less than 2% of our budget allocated toward fundraising. Rather than spend money and staff energy on large fundraising events, we rely on community giving in response to low-cost requests for contributions to The Girls Fund.

Why not just increase tuition?
In order to build an economically diverse community, Julia Morgan School for Girls is committed to keeping tuition as affordable as possible while also providing as much tuition assistance as possible.

Why is 100% participation so crucial?
First, your gift shows our students that you value their education! In addition, 100% participation is a vote of confidence - a sign that our community is committed to our students, teachers, and mission. High participation is a benchmark that may also be used by outside funders when deciding whether or not to fund Julia Morgan School for Girls.

Are contributions tax-deductible?
Julia Morgan School for Girls is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation. Our tax identification number is 94-3285524. Your gifts may be deductible and we recommend you consult a qualified tax professional for more information.

Julia Morgan School for Girls

• c/o Mills College at Northeastern •  5000 MacArthur Boulevard, #25  •  Oakland, CA 94613
510.632.6000 t • 510.632.6301 f